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Writer's pictureOakley Neighborhood Association

ONA General Meeting: March 16, 2023

ONA General Meeting

March 16, 2023, 6pm, Forestry Camp

In attendance: 5 board members, 4 members for 9 total

ONA Leadership Voting

Vote on Ross Pritchard as president, Erin Hunt as vice president passed unanimously

At-large member vacancies now need to be filled.

Oakley Elementary Celebration

Cody Edenfield from Oakley Elementary:

  • Oakley Elementary centennial celebration will be 4.21.23 from 5-8pm

  • There will be: community booths at Oakley Elementary Park

Tours of the school

Historical presentation at media center

Food Trucks/ recreation activities(putt-putt course maybe) at Oakley Park

  • Sponsorship opportunity - proceeds will go to revitalizing the landscaping around the school

  • $12 tshirts

Q: Would it be hard to host a community night at the school?

A: No, there is lots of opportunity to use the space for community events

Informational fliers are fine to pass out unless it is for-profit/religious

Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC)

Elizabeth (Oakley Resident)

  • The Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) has nine members, there are 40 active neighborhood associations and probably 40ish more non-active associations

  • NAC seeks to help people understand what is going on in Asheville’s neighborhoods

Other Updates

Sidewalk project on Onteroa is great.

RP: Greenway extension is coming on Thompson Street with maybe some sidewalks up East Street for access. Maybe when it is finished we should do a ribbon cutting ceremony

Saturday, September 30th there will be an Asheville-wide neighborhood celebration with affordable food trucks, potentially at the park on MLK parkway.

Community Refrigerator Project

RP (Ross Pritchard): We need neighborhood fridge volunteers to help with that project.

  • Potentially put on a pickleball tournament this summer for fundraising?

Multimodal Transportation Committee (MMTC) / Transportation

  • Speed changes are being implemented around Asheville, trying to lower unposted limit from 35mph to 25mph

  • If anyone has a question or concern about traffic- let’s collaborate and we can get more representation to get city council’s attention

  • MR(Michael Romanello): plugged for teenagers to have their own space with the Oakley park renovations

  • Transportation committee: wants to advocate for bike/pedestrian safety, maybe have a section in the newsletter

Q: How can we address the gap in the sidewalk on Wood Ave?

A: best source- Lucy Crown with COA

  • We can bug the city about the Onteora sidewalk; bid period ended 3.16.23

Action Items:

Next meeting- quarterly, TBD

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