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Writer's pictureOakley Neighborhood Association

ONA Board Meeting Minutes 7.26.22

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

Oakley Neighborhood Association "Rainbow Over Acorn" Logo

(Board) Meeting Minutes

July 26, 2022 @ 6 PM

Oakley Park Pavilion

In attendance: 7; 4 board members present

Key-MS: Michael Stratton/SP: Soni Pitts/RL: Rich Lee/ BN: Betsy Nesbitt/GH: George Gregor Holt/ N: neighbor

  • MS: Bess McDavid, ONA president, is resigning from her leadership roles due to health issues, effective immediately

Topic: Bylaws and Boundaries

Only approximately 30 people voted- just enough to pass bylaws and approve boundaries

Q: What about electronic votes?

A: That number includes electronic votes

Consensus: 30 was the magic number for a passable vote


MS: What if we re-voted or maybe did a vote every year?

SP: What if we coupled it with a small neighborhood survey? People will show up to complain if nothing else.

MS: Unfortunately, this (the ONA) does not seem to be a priority unless there is a crisis

RL: There does seem to be an ebb and flow in attendance in neighborhood organizations with respect to neighborhood crises

MS: Do other neighborhoods struggle with this issue?

BN: Yes, Kenilworth boasted over 200 people at neighborhood meetings during a crime spree; the number has dropped of precipitously according to our CRO

MS: What is the solution?

SP: We did launch at the beginning of a pandemic, perhaps people are worn out of caring

RL: Might just be seasonal ebb and flow as well

MS: The attendance numbers are concerning- who is going to run the election?

GH: other neighborhood groups also struggle with finding people who are willing to run

MS: It is frustrating that we cannot get anyone to commit to do anything. We are moving out of the country in December

SP: What about the garden?

MS: It will change the structure of how it runs to less oversight

SP: What about an individual allotment situation?

MS: It was discussed, but it takes people to oversee that

RL: I can continue on as treasurer; maybe we drop back to 1-2 annual meetings/social get togethers

MS: We will stay on until move in December

SP: Happy to keep website running

BN: Happy to stay on as secretary

Q: How do Oakley residents get their news?

A: WLOS, Mtn. Express

Topic: Committee Reports

Anne Warren: Oakley Tree Keepers

They are finalizing grant application for $1500; old grant $600

Q: Do we have a neighborhood description?

A: Yes- BN did one at Brenda Mill’s behest a few years back

Last year used $400 to make a ‘Help Keep Oakley Green’ Brochure

  • It has a tree list, how to plant a tree, etc

OTK have worked with Heartwood Trees arborist services.

SP: would be good to have a project page for Tree Keepers on website

With last $200, we can do the Treasured Tree project w/ Green Works…maybe the tree at WNCAP

  • Treasured Tree program is nominating a tree and Greenworks comes out and measures the and makes sure it is well taken care of. If it passes, they have a little ceremony and a plaque.

SP: Does that designation help it to avoid getting whacked by the power company?

AW: Unfortunately not

MS: Is there a list of treasured trees in Oakley?

AW: We could put together a map of Oakley’s Treasured Trees

SP: We could do a walk

AW: We can put together a map to see if we have the density to support

In 2023: asking for $1500. Maybe do a workshop about removing vines, etc…

  • Our focus: get people thinking about their trees

In August: Oakley Tree Keepers will meet with Lakeview Tree Group

Oakley Tree Keepers also sit in on Urban Forestry Committee meetings

MS: Open Space Policy- city is thinking about redoing it?

AW: Unsure, will find out

MS: How does the Oakley Tree Keepers come down on canopy cover?

AW: Developers do have to pay $$ if they take down trees- city budget is to include Urban Forester

During Open Streets- OTK did a tree giveaway

  • Feels like tents are too far apart during Open Streets

  • Has 5 active members

GH: Have you thought about doing a tree id by the park?

AW: great idea- maybe with a QR code

SP: maybe connect with the school as an educational resource

Topic: Event - Upcoming Board Election

MS: What are we going to do about a committee for the board member election?

RL: I don’t think we need a committee; just have a meeting where everyone introduces themselves.

MS: Let’s go home and look at the section of bylaws and see if anyone is interested

COA rep: You should insist board members invite others

SP: We need an event to invite people to

MS: Like a block party

COA rep: Just a fyi- you have to book block parties 8 weeks out

RL: Let’s just hold a meeting at French Broad Brewing

MS: Are we going to do a vote there?

RL: Absolutely

BN: Agreed- we should capitalize on people’s enthusiasm before it wanes

RL: we could just vote on slips of paper

SP: Let’s send out an email describing what offices are open

ONA T-shirts: BN has them

GH: Non-profit status - We are working on it, but we got stuck at neighborhood description and officers.

  • We cannot lobby (city council, etc) as a 510c3 but we can provide them with information.

  • Will cost $650 to apply

RL: We are currently $500 in the hole ($300 from garden). Should delay until we get caught up

SP: Also, if we don’t have the numbers, a 501c3 might not be the best use of time

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